Best Auto Repairs in Worcester, MA

Quickly connect with the top automotive repair and service shops serving Worcester, MA. Read reviews from verified customers. Post your requirements and get no obligation estimates.

Since 1965, Demers Auto Service has provided motorists in the Worcester, MA 01606 area with comprehensive auto repair services that include 4x4 Services, AC Repair, Alignment, Brakes, Car & Truck Care, Domestic Cars & Trucks, Electrical Services, Electronic Services, Engine & Transmission, Engine Maintenance, General Services, Heating and Cooling Services
An inspection list is provided without asking sharing how well your car's health is. Good communication (Let me know when my car was ready, called to discuss any potential repairs I wanted to add on after looking at inspection list and provided extra car appointment dates if couldn't give me what I originally wanted) Quick, Efficient, and good service
Auto Repair, Auto Maintenance, Off-Road Customization and Classic Car Restoration in Worcester, MA and Surrounding Communities. Locally owned and operated K2 Auto Specialties offers complete auto repair and auto maintenance services in Worcester, MA, for all makes and models. Our team specializes in off road and classic car services. As a NAPA AutoCare
Harding Tire Co. serves the automotive repair, tire, and wheel needs of customers in Worcester, MA, Shrewsbury, MA, Holden, MA, and surrounding areas. Our auto service center is located at 180 Harding St. in Worcester, MA. We offer competitively priced consumer tires, commercial tires, and industrial tires from some of the industry's best tire brands
We offer free estimates on all parts and service and will explain exactly what each job entails. We do our best to repair your vehicle the right way and get it back to you as soon as possible. We offer professional automotive repair for most makes and models including both foreign and domestic cars, trucks and SUVs. We provide quality and effective
Some of his customers have been with him since the beginning, and as their children grow up and begin to drive, he works on their vehicles too. That's loyalty! Rocky treats his customers like family. If you have a problem with your American or Asian car or light truck - engine, brakes, heating/cooling, air conditioning, electrical, suspension, steering