Labor rates are at an all-time high! Save money by purchasing a vehicle protection plan for your new or pre-owned vehicle. The risk of auto repair expenses increase as your vehicle gets older. Breakdown protection helps cover your vehicle before and after the factory warranty expires. American Auto Repair Coverage offers a range of protection plans from New Car Exclusionary to Enhanced Power Train.
Our extended coverage protection plans will ensure that you never pay out of pocket for a covered breakdown. We will pay your mechanic upfront and in-full for you.
Our extended coverage protection plans will ensure that you never pay out of pocket for a covered breakdown. We will pay your mechanic upfront and in-full for you.
AARC tailors your protection plan to your vehicle and driving habits.
Based on the age, model and mileage of your car, we ensure to get you the best level of coverage at the lowest price!
No need to worry about paying the mechanic for a surprise repair bill.
American Auto Repair Coverage programs cover 100% the MSRP value of all parts and labor for your covered repairs.
All you're responsible for is your deductible, which on average is $100 for our customers.
Stuck on the side of the road with a break down?
Based on the age, model and mileage of your car, we ensure to get you the best level of coverage at the lowest price!
No need to worry about paying the mechanic for a surprise repair bill.
American Auto Repair Coverage programs cover 100% the MSRP value of all parts and labor for your covered repairs.
All you're responsible for is your deductible, which on average is $100 for our customers.
Stuck on the side of the road with a break down?
American Auto Repair Coverage is a family-owned and operated business.
With over a decade in combined experience in the vehicle service contract industry, our innovative customer advocate approach takes AARC in a new direction from traditional industry practices.
When you are protected by a certified AARC breakdown protection program, you can rest assured you are relying on the high character, leading integrity and strong ability of the agreement established.
One phone call to American Auto will be proof enough of how different we are from our competitors.
With over a decade in combined experience in the vehicle service contract industry, our innovative customer advocate approach takes AARC in a new direction from traditional industry practices.
When you are protected by a certified AARC breakdown protection program, you can rest assured you are relying on the high character, leading integrity and strong ability of the agreement established.
One phone call to American Auto will be proof enough of how different we are from our competitors.
American Auto Repair Coverage provides Vehicle Protection Plans and is not affiliated with any automotive manufacturers.
The Vehicle Protection Plans offered by AARC are commonly referred to as vehicle service contracts.
They are not vehicle manufacture's warranties.
The following information is about some vehicle warranty programs.
This content is provided solely for the purpose of providing general information with respect to typical warranty programs by the originating automotive manufacturers; it provides general information that may not be specific to your individual car warranty and is not representational of the Vehicle Protection Plans offered by AARC.
The Vehicle Protection Plans offered by AARC are commonly referred to as vehicle service contracts.
They are not vehicle manufacture's warranties.
The following information is about some vehicle warranty programs.
This content is provided solely for the purpose of providing general information with respect to typical warranty programs by the originating automotive manufacturers; it provides general information that may not be specific to your individual car warranty and is not representational of the Vehicle Protection Plans offered by AARC.
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