North Free-dom Repair is a fam-i-ly owned and oper-at-ed auto repair and truck repair ser-vice that has been in oper-a-tion since 1994. In addi-tion to auto repair, we spe-cial-ize in diesel engine and truck repair. As an auto repair Bara-boo shop, we are locat-ed in North Free-dom just out-side of Bara-boo. And because we are close to Lake Del-ton, Loganville, Prairie Du Sac, Reeds-burg, Rock Springs, Sauk City and Wis-con-sin Dells, North Free-dom Repair is near you.
For direc-tions or a map to our auto repair shop, please vis-it our con-tact page. We believe that hon-esty and integri-ty are impor-tant attrib-ut-es for any busi-ness. We thus respect and val-ue our cus-tomers and believe peo-ple should under-stand where car repairs are need-ed to be made before they spend their hard earned money. This includes domes-tic and import-ed cars, motor homes, and trucks.
We fur-ther spe-cial-ize in per-form-ing all minor and major diesel repair on Ford, GM & Dodge trucks.
For direc-tions or a map to our auto repair shop, please vis-it our con-tact page. We believe that hon-esty and integri-ty are impor-tant attrib-ut-es for any busi-ness. We thus respect and val-ue our cus-tomers and believe peo-ple should under-stand where car repairs are need-ed to be made before they spend their hard earned money. This includes domes-tic and import-ed cars, motor homes, and trucks.
We fur-ther spe-cial-ize in per-form-ing all minor and major diesel repair on Ford, GM & Dodge trucks.
North Free-dom Repair is a fam-i-ly owned and oper-at-ed auto and truck repair shop.
We have been in busi-ness since 1994.
Our auto tech-ni-cians are hand picked experts.
Their spe-cial-ties cov-er all auto-mo-tive needs you may think of.
Let's intro-duce the own-er, and each auto tech-ni-cian and staff mem-ber who works for us.
Al Doer-ing, own-er and oper-a-tor, is a licensed air-craft mechan-ic.
Al grad-u-at-ed from Black Hawk Tech-ni-cal School in Janesville, WI in 1970.
He how-ev-er chose to stay in a small com-mu-ni-ty where he could get to know his cus-tomers and stay close to his family.
We have been in busi-ness since 1994.
Our auto tech-ni-cians are hand picked experts.
Their spe-cial-ties cov-er all auto-mo-tive needs you may think of.
Let's intro-duce the own-er, and each auto tech-ni-cian and staff mem-ber who works for us.
Al Doer-ing, own-er and oper-a-tor, is a licensed air-craft mechan-ic.
Al grad-u-at-ed from Black Hawk Tech-ni-cal School in Janesville, WI in 1970.
He how-ev-er chose to stay in a small com-mu-ni-ty where he could get to know his cus-tomers and stay close to his family.
A tune up is not just about renew-ing spark plugs.
At North Free-dom Repair, we check your PCV valve, fuel fil-tra-tion, air fil-ter, and spark plug wires.
While you are get-ting this ser-vice done, it is a good time to get the fuel sys-tem cleaned.
Get-ting your fuel sys-tem cleaned will help the per-for-mance of your vehicle.
It will bring about a bet-ter start up, bet-ter fuel mileage, and of course increase the longevi-ty of your start-ing system.
You should get this ser-vice done to your vehi-cle between sev-en-ty five to hun-dred thou-sand miles.
At North Free-dom Repair, we check your PCV valve, fuel fil-tra-tion, air fil-ter, and spark plug wires.
While you are get-ting this ser-vice done, it is a good time to get the fuel sys-tem cleaned.
Get-ting your fuel sys-tem cleaned will help the per-for-mance of your vehicle.
It will bring about a bet-ter start up, bet-ter fuel mileage, and of course increase the longevi-ty of your start-ing system.
You should get this ser-vice done to your vehi-cle between sev-en-ty five to hun-dred thou-sand miles.
Thank you for choos-ing North Free-dom Repair as your auto repair and truck repair ser-vice.
Please let us know about your expe-ri-ence at our auto and truck repair shop.
We real-ly appre-ci-ate your time to give us a pos-i-tive review.
You will help local peo-ple learn and find out about our busi-ness.
Please let us know about your expe-ri-ence at our auto and truck repair shop.
We real-ly appre-ci-ate your time to give us a pos-i-tive review.
You will help local peo-ple learn and find out about our busi-ness.
At North Free-dom Repair we like to pre-vent any finan-cial sur-pris-es for our val-ued cus-tomers.
There-fore we would first love to learn about your spe-cif-ic auto repair needs.
Then we can match those needs with an afford-able and hon-est auto repair estimate.
We promise to take great care in pro-vid-ing you with a fit-ting quote.
We will get back to you in a time-ly fashion.
If, for any rea-son, you find it dif-fi-cult to com-plete the car repair esti-mate form, please give us a call.
In fact, if you pre-fer, you can bypass the form and we will be hap-py to ask our esti-mate ques-tions on the phone.
There-fore we would first love to learn about your spe-cif-ic auto repair needs.
Then we can match those needs with an afford-able and hon-est auto repair estimate.
We promise to take great care in pro-vid-ing you with a fit-ting quote.
We will get back to you in a time-ly fashion.
If, for any rea-son, you find it dif-fi-cult to com-plete the car repair esti-mate form, please give us a call.
In fact, if you pre-fer, you can bypass the form and we will be hap-py to ask our esti-mate ques-tions on the phone.
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